I apologize if my writings are bad. It's not that I'm not a good writer, it's just that it's awkward to read your own writings so once I'm done writing, I don't check for mistakes, make improvements, etc.

Whatever you read here, stays here alright?

Thanks for coming!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Zeds Dead

I stopped smoking 3 days ago and so far, it's getting easier to resist the temptation. The first day was the worst; my body kept screaming for cigarette. "Just one puff", it said. And it kept going up till now. But if I succumb to the temptation, I know I'd have to go though this shit again and people, this shit sucks.

I used to run 7km at a time or cycle 30km a day when I had the energy. At the very least, I'd cycle 7km back and forth to my school just to play basketball. I used to be unbeatable at basketball especially when I was with a friend of mine, Polo (bukan nama sebenar). But now, I got tired after only 7 minutes of running. That's my limit. And knowing that I myself caused my body to suck that much, I hated myself.

Why? Because I aim to be perfect.

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