I apologize if my writings are bad. It's not that I'm not a good writer, it's just that it's awkward to read your own writings so once I'm done writing, I don't check for mistakes, make improvements, etc.

Whatever you read here, stays here alright?

Thanks for coming!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


One of the things that some people know about me is that I'm an observer, I like and am good at reading people. It might sound cool to most people, but to me, sometimes it sucks.

I hate how I'm right most of the time. Like how I predicted that my Bangi hangout clique, no matter how close we are, are gonna ditch me. At first I tried to brush it off, convincing myself that I was wrong, I must've misread them. I even tried different approaches so I could fit in better. Turned out, other than the already-siblings, no one is allowed to be in that clique. So I guess I got kicked out.

There's this one time I saw something bad about a classmate. Not on purpose of course, and I tried to brush it off too, but as it turned out she was quite...a cheap chick. It's quite a good thing that I won't be seeing her much after this.

Another thing that makes me hate this ability is that I have to see my friends' heart got broken long before it happened but I can't do anything about it. Telling them what I see will freak them out and risk friendship because admit it, when you're in love, friendship means nothing. So, most of the time, I keep my mouth shut and see their relationship crumble right before my eyes. And being the person that some people trust so much, they will tell me every single detail about what happened and not one of them would shock me. And the best part is I have to see it twice.

Some of my friends like to ask for advices from me because I'm right most of the time, but trust me, I hope I'm not.

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