I apologize if my writings are bad. It's not that I'm not a good writer, it's just that it's awkward to read your own writings so once I'm done writing, I don't check for mistakes, make improvements, etc.

Whatever you read here, stays here alright?

Thanks for coming!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Finals babes!

I've been very busy lately. Starting from last Saturday, I've been studying non-stop. I'm always at the library either studying by myself, having a study group or straight up teach my course mates. Wake up at 10am, go to the library at 11, go back to room and clean myself, prayer etc from 6-8pm and then go back to the library till it closes. Repeat EVERYDAY.

And the torture doesn't stop there. When you study too much, even when you're on your bed waiting to fall asleep, you would have a lot of stuff on your mind that you won't be able to even fall asleep. But you still want to follow your schedule, so you still have to wake up at 10 even though you slept at 3. Throw in the fact that you'd been studying non stop for the whole day and you end up waking up feeling weak, groggy and shitty.

So after the Political Science paper, I decided to take the day off from studying. It has been smooth sailing so far. I feel freaking awesome right now.

At least until tomorrow.

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