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Friday, September 2, 2011

Male vs female

I just saw a big fight between a guy and a girl.

Because of that, I'd like to tell the differences between guys and girls when they're fighting.

When a guy is really mad, what he says is what he thinks will inflict the most emotional pain to the other side. It doesn't matter if it's really what he thinks, what matters to him is that the other side is hurt.

When a girl is really mad, she says what she really feels about the other party. That's when she tells the absolute truth; there's no covering up when she's angry.

The problem is that girls think guys are like them, we say what we really feel when in fact, what we want is to hurt them.

The other problem is that girls never really tell the truth; they wait until moments like that to really express their true feelings when actually, that is most probably the worst time to do that.

In emergency, guys try to be as calm as possible. They might come off as not feeling guilty for what they've done, but actually they're trying to be calm and rational so that they can make better decisions to handle the situation while under their calmness, they know they're fucked.

In emergency, girls tend to panic and to an extent, overreact. They will show deep remorse towards what they've done, but they don't really know how to handle the situation. They know they're fucked and they show how fucked they feel, but because they panic, they are unable to make prompt and rational decisions.

The problem is that girls think guys don't really feel guilty due to the lack of emotion showed.

While we guys want the problem to be solved. We don't give a shit how bad you feel, what we care about is that the situation is under control.

With those said, I hope whoever reads this post will be able to handle such situations better.

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